But What Does Parenting Today Actually Stand For?


“I know that you are a parenting expert, but what is your focus?”

It’s a good question, after all there are many people today talking about parenting. Some are professionally qualified and some have a point of view but no particular training.

First, let’s clear up the qualification question. I have my C.C.F.E. which means I am a Certified Canadian Family Educator.  I recommend that parents always look to see if any speaker or author has this accreditation. After all, you want to ensure that anyone giving you advice is credible.

What is the framework upon which Parenting Today operates?  I offer keynotes and workshops, have written books and have ongoing newspaper columns, books, blogs and newsletters. And, no matter what the actual topic, they all share a basic value that I call

P.U.R.E. Parenting.

P — is a parenting plan

U — is unconditional love

R — is respect for your child as he is right now

E — is encouragement

 These make up the framework of any resources that will come from Parenting Today. These four pillars are the essential ingredients for raising healthy children who will develop into capable young men and women.

  Kids Talking to Kids

Dorian Clay is an 11 year-old boy who has recently completed a book titled Freddie Loses His Game. Using his experience in the world of chess he talks to other kids about the lessons he has learned.

 I like this book. It is personal, it teaches without preaching and is clearly one boy talking to other kids. It doesn’t matter if the reader knows about chess, he explains as he goes along offering definitions of chess terms and demonstrating the pertinent chess moves.

 Besides talking aobut the lessons he learned at chess club he also mentions what was involved in the writing of the book. He lists the skills he needed to develop and tells us that the book was 10 months in the writing.

There has been so many media stories about young adults believing that if they want to do something it will just happen. The part that often gets neglected is the work involved. In this book kids learn that it takes hard work to accomplish a goal but that it is worth it.

It’s available on Amazon, go take a look.

 Mastering a New Skill

 Speaking of kids learning how to learn new skills, summer is a great time to put the energy into helping your kids take on new tasks.

Last week you wanted to teach Silvana how to set the table and this week it’s time to teach her brother, Sean how to load to dishwasher. It’s never ending, this business of teaching our kids how to handle new tasks.

There are four simple steps you can follow. First you need to show him how to do the job. So, you load the dishwasher and Sean watches. While you do the job you explain your work.

Then you guide him as he helps you do the job. Keep explaining and having him to take a role in the process.

He’s now ready to try it on his own but you will be watching and offering feedback to correct any mis-steps as well as to encourage his successes.

Finally you step away and let him do the job.

The key is to teach step by step until he is ready to take on the task on his own.

He’s now ready to try it on his own but you will be watching and offering feedback to correct any mis-steps as well as to encourage his successes.

Finally you step away and let him do the job.The key is to teach step by step until he is ready to take on the task on his own.


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