Making the Busy Holiday Season Easier

The following article was sent to all the family friendly companies and unions on my workplace wellness list.

Family friendly companies and unions offer benefits designed to accommodate the challenges faced by their employees or members who are also raising children.

Beyond Childcare is a program that offers ongoing support for parents. It is simple to implement and parents who are being supported in the workplace are more productive, loyal and present.

After all, if they work in a place that honours their parenting role, they want to keep that job. And if they are receiving helpful information through tips, articles, email advice and workshops, life will be calmer at home and they are then more focused in the workplace.

What can this support look like?


In the spirit of holiday giving, I am sending you one tip designed to make life easier for busy parents at this time of year. If you were a Beyond Childcare client, you would have already sent this tip and others to your employees and union members.

The Rule of 3s

The number of things you need to attend to around the holidays can be overwhelming. Here’s what you can do to make it manageable.

Make a list of everything you want to accomplish. Then prioritize from most to least important.

Now you have the list and it’s organized. But it’s still just too much, right? So divide it into three sections by importance of the task. Take the bottom section, the last third, rip that off and throw it away. Take the middle section, rip it off and put it in a drawer. Now you have a list you can handle, you have some supplementary things you can do if time and energy allows and you have tossed away all those unnecessary things.

This is my gift to you. Feel free to distribute it. Then give me a call or send me an email and let’s talk about how you can join the Beyond Childcare client list.

Merry Christmas from Parenting Today.


Posted in Beyond Childcare, Family Concerns, School-Age, Teens | Leave a comment

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